Working from home might be difficult under normal circumstances, especially when you are used to the traditional working setup. How do parents and guardians juggle conference calls and science projects, laundry and math homework, or children and coworkers while living, studying, and working in the same house?
Prioritize your responsibilities.
It’s difficult to be everything to everyone when there are so many demands on our time. You might be juggling multiple roles and objectives in your life. You want to be successful at work, have a happy marriage, and be a hands-on mom.

A mom working from home. Credit: ijeab on iStock.
You may have aspirations to further your education, maintain a home, give back to your community, maintain a healthy lifestyle, or save for early retirement. Furthermore, you may be coping with extended family concerns such as caring for aged parents or dealing with a family disease.
All of these things eat up your time and energy, and they frequently collide. Given that there are only 24 hours in a day, you may need to consider your beliefs and establish certain priorities based on them. Setting aside time each night to play with your children may take precedence over working those extra hours to afford a larger home.
Plan ahead of time and complete tasks.
The busiest time for most of us is during the workweek. You can reduce the tension of the next week by planning for Monday’s arrival. Post a family calendar on the refrigerator. Look at the week’s schedule on Sunday and make a plan for how you’ll handle it.

Making a schedule. Credit: AndreyPopov on iStock.
Make meals on the weekend if possible and store them in the fridge or freezer for a quick reheat on a busy evening. This is an activity in which you can involve and enlist the assistance of your older children. After-work stress is frequently focused on determining what to cook for dinner rather than preparing it.
If possible, try to work out flex or part-time hours.
Workplace flexibility can relieve a lot of stress in a family. Part-time work when working from home is a possibility if it is financially feasible. It could mean less financial independence, but it could also mean more daily benefits and a better quality of life.

Work from home during the pandemic. Credit: Maryviolet on iStock.
You must once again analyze your ideals and establish your priorities. Negotiate with your employer for flex hours or job-sharing, if possible, to make your family life easier.
After-work and after-school activities should be kept to a minimum.
While most parents have excellent intentions and wish to offer their children a diverse set of skills, they might become occupied in the seemingly limitless choices accessible to children, resulting in extremely busy schedules for both their children and themselves. Limit the number of outdoor activities your children participate in, and only allow them to participate in one at a time.

A family playing chess. Credit: Virojt Changyencham on iStock.
Limit your after-work activities as well. Look to your values and define your priorities once more. Consider what you can manage now and what you may be able to do at a future stage in your life. Learn to say “no” and let go of the guilt.
Make rituals a part of your daily routine.
Establish plans to spend time with your family. Set aside a night for the family to watch a movie or play games. When you sit down together for supper and take turns relating the happenings of the day, make mealtime a special family moment.
Set aside some time for yourself.
Taking care of yourself should be a top priority. It’s something you should do regardless of how exhausted you are. Drag yourself out the door to your fitness class; you’ll be in a better mood and glad you did something good for yourself afterward. Plus, it is a great way to combat stress.

A woman relaxing in her free time. Credit: Chinnapong on iStock.
Have one favorite show per week and set out time for it. You will be better equipped to care for those you love and deal with the stress that a hectic schedule provides if you take care of yourself.
Make time for your partner.
It’s easy for two individuals living in the same house to drift apart in the bustle of work/home life. Spending time engaging with your partner is just as vital as spending time interacting with your children. Set aside some time for each other. Even if it’s only for an hour, try to get away and go for a stroll together.
Tell your kids about your work.
Your children should understand that they are a priority in your life by your words and deeds, but it is also beneficial to let them know that your career is essential to you.

A mother and her daughter having quality time. Credit: fizkes on iStock.
Talk to your kids about what you do for a living. When you communicate your work expectations with your children, they are more likely to respond.
Make time for leisure.
Keep in mind that your work is only a small portion of who you are. Because we only have one life to live, it’s critical to savor it and make time for enjoyment. Look for ways to enjoy your life at home and at work. Look for humor in everything.
Be present at the moment.
There will be memorable occasions in your children’s life that will occur on a regular basis. Most employers, supervisors, and clients have families of their own and are familiar with similar circumstances. Talk to your employer, explain why you need to be there, and make a strategy for how they will handle your absence or how you will do the task in another method or at another time.
Well-being is a difficult-to-define concept that has been often referenced in psychological literature, this also applies when working from home. It’s associated with sentiments of joy and fulfillment. It’s also known as a sense of purpose or contentment with one’s life. There must be an agreed-upon definition in order to accurately measure it. It has been divided into objective and subjective categories in general.

A woman with a laptop and taking down notes. Credit: fizkes on iStock.
Social and cultural conceptions are taken into account when determining objective well-being. The term “subjective well-being” refers to a person’s internal sense of well-being.
Individuals can do a variety of activities to increase their well-being. However, no single factor can make a significant difference. Rather, a holistic approach to mental and physical wellness is required. Individuals who spend time in nature, form strong relationships, practice gratitude, remain hopeful, and develop awareness, however, have a better chance of feeling better.