Unschooling may be an unfamiliar concept for most people. Does it mean not going to school at all? Partly. Little do we know that such a word can lead to your child’s happiness and worry-free education.
What is unschooling?

By definition, being unschooled is still learning while rejecting the whole idea of a traditional education setup. It is quite the same as homeschooling—except for how the child learns. The child will learn at home but without any curriculum to follow. They are free to study whatever inspires, interests them, or makes them curious. Unschooling—and learning in general—should be consensual.
The child is in control – but how?

They can also not take the subjects they find hard to learn. In short, the child is in control of how he/she studies. It is considered controversial by others since kids are not yet capable of deciding for themselves. However, unschooling has many benefits for the child as he/she is not forced to study what challenges or drains her. It also allows them to have more time to hone their skills in the subjects they chose! On the other hand, it also allows you, as their parent, to build the teaching approach your child likes. How wonderful is that?
No grading system

Grades and marks usually cause pressure on the child. If they get low grades, they might think they’re not worthy of themselves. One benefit of unschooling is that these, including tests and quizzes, are absent! No need to worry about meeting standards by the school. Your child decides their standards and works at a pace they consider best for themselves.
All learning styles and personality types are fine

Another good thing about unschooling is that it is inclusive of all learning and personality styles. You must know your child’s learning style and personality types to make this work! These are not usually considered in school, and it is also impossible for teachers to note every student’s style for they handle several students.
Unschooling is not only through books

Yes, you read that right! Books, modules, and lectures are not only your source of information. You child can learn through the places they visit, and interactions with people and the environment.
Safe learning environment

Like homeschooling, unschooling commonly happens at the walls of your home. Ensure your child’s safety while learning, with your guidance and comfort of the house!
Unschooling IS NOT:
The rejection of education

It does not involve discarding learning but fighting the traditional system of education that is unsuitable for some kids.
Parents being negligent

Parents like you are present when a child is unschooling. Your guidance will be of great help while your child recognizes and takes her strengths in education.
Depriving students of social life

Your child can still have social interactions without the premise of a classroom. Introduce him/her to other homeschooled kids around the area, or just his/her neighbors of the same age.
For more first-hand experiences about homeschooling, click the video below!

Everyone is naturally curious in life, and we should let children discover the world through what triggers their curiosity. Even without the presence of a classroom, your child will still gain knowledge! Lead your child to happiness and satisfaction with unschooling. It is an innovative way of learning without being under the pressure of the traditional education system. Do not hesitate – unschooling is a good idea, and is effective for a kid’s mental, social, and emotional development. Just don’t forget to research if this setup suits you and your child.
You can still use tools such as Remote Classroom when facilitating unschooling! The Remote Classroom App lets you track the students’ school works and lets you monitor your child’s activity on and off virtual classes. It also takes screenshots on their monitors for you to have a closer look at their progress on their remote learning.